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Best jokes about gambling

It’s always nice to hear a good joke and there is no bad time for that. So here is a selection of the 12 best gambling jokes. These jokes were found in the Internet, and let’s have a look at them. It’s really funny!

Gambling Jokes

Regardless of whether we win or lose, we all have some jokes or funny stories about gambling. This time we decided to look for the funniest jokes and gambling in the casino online, so these are the best gaming jokes that we have encountered. Now let's look closer!

Best jokes about gambling

Happy loser

Tim was out of luck in his stay in Vegas. He played all his money and had to borrow from someone ten cents, just to use WC. As the stall was open, he took a penny and managed to hit the jackpot in a slot machine. After that he tool all the money and went to the blackjack table where he won $ 5 million.

He couldn’t believe that he can be so rich even his wildest dreams, Tim started a cycle a lectures, where he told his amazing story. As he was eternally grateful to his benefactor, he told that to the whole auditory, and if he ever found a man who did all this, he would share his fortune with him. After several months of lectures, one of the students jumped up and said: “I am that person. I was the one who gave you this penny.

“I'm not who I am looking for. I'm looking for a guy who opened the door open! "

Smart student

“I need your hekp in treatment of my son from his gambling addiction” the concerned mother told her son’s director. “I don’t know where he got it from, but all he says is bet, bet, bet.”

“Leave it to me,” the principal said.

Seven days later he called the boy’s mother. “I think I cured him,” he said.

"How did you manage?"

"Well, I saw him starring at my big beard, and he replied:" I bet your beard is not real. "

“How much?” I asked, and he said “5 pounds.”

“So what happened?” The mother asked.

“Well, he pulled me by my natural beard, and I took 5 pounds from him. That would be a lesson for him.

“No, it won't,” said the mother. “Yesterday he bet me £ 10, which by the end of the week will pull your beard with your permission!”

Nude player

Irish blonde entered the casino. She was a bit intoxicated and bet $ 20,000 on one roll of dice. Then she said: “I feel much happier when I'm completely naked.” At the same time, she lifted her neck from her legs, threw her bones and shouted with an Irish accent: “Come on Baby, mom needs new clothes! When the bones stopped, she jumped and screeched. "YES! I won, I won!"

She hugged each of the dealers, and then took her winnings and clothes and quickly left. Dealers silently looked at each other. Finally, one of them asked: “What did she roll?” The other replied: “I have no idea, I thought you guys saw that.”

Gambling jokes

“How to become a millionaire in playing casino? - Start from being a billionaire.

“What is the difference of pray in church and a casino? - Pray in a casino, pray with all your heart! "

“How do casino players and politicians differ? “Casino players sometimes don’t lie.”

“Dr. Miller was drinking coffee at home and heard the phone ring. There was a familiar voice of his colleague who asked to play poker with him. “I'll be right there,” Dr. Miller said quietly and went to put on his coat. Mrs. Miller goes straight to him and asks anxiously: “Is this serious?” The doctor replies: “Absolutely. Three doctors are waiting for me! "

“In the bathroom is the best chance to get a royal flush.”

Homeless is a new name of a professional poker player who broke up with his girlfriend.

Funny riots and races

“The best friend on man is a dog, especially after he lost money on a horse.”

“When a person with money meets a person with experience, a person with experience leaves with money, and a person with money leaves with experience.”

“How did you manage to make a small fortune on horses?” –Well, I took a big fortune and just started to play.

Just for a laugh

Our readers know that we never had an intention to make fun of people with addiction problems; this blog was created just for fun, and in our opinion you should always be careful with your money.

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